BestU Health Boutique Services

Iv Infusions

IV Infusions immediately provide a 100% bioavailable nutrients and medications into the blood vessels. This bypasses the gastrointestinal tract and avoids malabsorption barriers. It is a reliable way for rehydration to occur much quicker, allowing you to feel better faster. 


IV Injectables

IV Injectables are smaller bolus doses of nutrients given intravenous, intramuscular, or subcutaneous route. Although not 100%, this provides dependable route for rapid absorption of nutrients and medications.



Cosmetic botulinum toxin is a popular non surgical injection that helps to relax muscle and decrease fine lines and wrinkles for a smoother, refreshed, attractive appearance. The effects are temporary lasting approximately 3 months. These treatments can also relieve migraines, excessive sweating, and muscle spasms in the neck and eyes.



Fillers provide structural support for the management of wrinkles and fine lines, by adding volume and contour areas of the face. These areas typically include the nasolabial folds, cheeks and lips. They are an ideal adjunct for botox treatments. The effects of fillers can last an average of 6-9 months.



The immune system is the core of our wellbeing, if it declines so does our health. If this occurs disease emerges as a collection of symptoms. Symptoms can be signs of immune system compromise, and uncovering preclinical causes can help to rebuild health. Diet and exercise remain staples of health and wellness, however identifying functional disturbances can help prevent disease.


Weight Loss

Obesity is one of the biggest concerns in the medical field in America. It is associated with many issues such as diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea, aches, pains, and even emotional disturbances. Weight loss can be achieved by a variety of methods including supplements, counseling, supportive environments, and accountability. We customize and tailor a program to your individual need.

Weight Loss