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Fillers at BestU Health Boutique

Fillers strategically placed in the face provide structural support and restoration of facial harmony by adding volume and contour to areas. The effects of fillers can last an average of six to nine months.

before and after fillers


Juvederm is a dermal facial filler that will help reduce the signs of wrinkles on your face while adding volume to the lips and cheeks. Hyaluronic Acid is the active ingredient in JUVÉDERM®, a substance naturally found in the human body, and works by attracting water molecules to restore volume lost during the natural aging process.

before and after botox


Radiesse® is an injectable dermal filler made of a naturally occurring substance called calcium hydroxyapatite, similar to the calcium found in your teeth and bones, suspended in a gel. Upon injection, Radiesse® immediately fills up targeted areas for instant results. Then as your body absorbs the gel, it leaves behind microspheres of CaHA, which act as a scaffold to support your skin’s weakened structure and promote new collagen growth.

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